About the Theatre
The theatre of Sfantu Gheorghe, as permanent professional artistic institution was established in 1948, under the name of Hungarian State Theatre. From 1987 it is named Theatre of Sfantu Gheorghe, from 1992 Tamási Áron Hungarian State Theatre, and from 1998 Tamási Áron Theatre of Sfantu Gheorghe. The many names this institution received indicate a whole struggling past, with its hidden and open efforts of cultural policy, self determination, mission and artistic aim.
Not less than half a century had to pass before the institution became a permanent and professional theatre with its own headquarter and was able to operate not as a victim of the harsh historical and geographical setting, but one with rich emotional experiences. Yet, to achieve this stage, the theatre needed a radical change of approach that was initiated in 1995 with the arrival of László Bocsárdi, director and artistic coordinator.
With its new artistic program, the Tamási Áron Theatre is now one of the most important theatre workshops in Transylvania. Its performances are based on the clashes between the powerful visuality of the Romanian theatre and the more rational, realistic Hungarian theatre, but also keen on the German expressionist theatre, resulting in a synthesis that defines the language of this institution, thus becoming an integral part of the contemporary European context.
The company is consistent in its artistic work and has already a vivid relationship with its audience, becoming a scene for emotional and intellectual contact, a meeting point where artists and audience can freely evolve.
With this conception, on the 60th anniversary of the theatre’s establishment in 2009 the first edition of the International Theatre Festival REFLEX was organized with the aim to present in Sfantu Gheorghe productions that are created in a vivid and poetic manner and are contemporary theatre phenomenon.
From June 2019 to 31 December 2023 our activities were supported by the Bethlen Gábor Fund.