Simkó Beatrix & Grecsó Zoltán (HU)


FLOW5 - International Dance Festival

Zoltán Grecsó’s and Beatrix Simkó’s duo puts Orpheus’ and Eurydice’s mythos in today’s conditions, giving a special interpretation to this so many times presented love story. Now, Eurydice will be expelled to the hell of our present world. Of course, she will be followed by his lover, the famous singer of the Greek mythology, but even though Orpheus understands the language of the animals, this world is and remains unfamiliar to him, and suddenly he gets helpless and incapable – he has no vigor to confront the ethos of the 21st century. This time their relationship becomes hell. The dancer duo presents the conflict between the world of myths and the realities of the present, but dramatically it offers even more, by demythologizing their heroes themselves.

Choreography: SIMKÓ Beatrix &  GRECSÓ Zoltán

Duration of performance:
50 minutes
(without interval)