World Theatre Day in Tamási Áron Theatre

World Theatre Day in Tamási Áron Theatre

This year again, the Tamási Áron Theatre is preparing a varied programme for the World Theatre Day, offering the audience a whole day of experiences: the display windows will take on an unusual form, the audience will be able to listen to monologues quoted from various productions, and the recording of Levente Nemes’ performance of Dózsa at several times, in the afternoon there will be an audience meeting and the opening of an exhibition on the history of theatre featuring László Kelemen. In the evening the performance of Iranian Conference will close the series of events.

Windows inwards

The display windows aim to engage the audience. It is constantly renewed, transformed and changed, trying to attract the attention of passers-by. A window that does not make the outside world visible to those inside, but the other way round. On this year’s World Theatre Day, the windows of the Tamási Áron Theatre will give a greater insight behind the scenes, with the help of set and costume designer Zsuzsa Bagoly. They will show the people objects and tools that are rarely seen up close, reminding them of the theatre’s characteristics that give real meaning to this ever-living, topical art form.


In the entrance lobby, visitors can listen to monologues quoted by Tamási Áron Theatre artists from various performances, in a well-designed environment. Difficult tasks – and therefore the most appreciated part of an actor’s work – the monologues are a chance to listen carefully and marvel at an inspired moment of acting. And perhaps it will also be an experience for visitors to recall long-forgotten theatrical performances by listening to the monologues.

A legendary solo performance

János Székely’s poem Dózsa was first performed by Levente Nemes in 1969, and its premiere was a huge success with audiences and professionals alike. All the newspapers of the time wrote about it, and later the performer toured it in many cities both at home and abroad – in Hungary, Serbia, Austria. It was also made into a TV play and a record, which are still fresh and of real artistic value 55 years later. This record can be listened to on this year’s World Theatre Day from 12 pm., 14 pm. and 17 pm. in the Pálffy Hall of the Tamási Áron Theatre. Prior to the third performance, at 16 pm. Levente Nemes will talk to the audience about the circumstances and reception of the production.

László Kelemen and his era

On the occasion of the World Theatre Day, the Liszt Institute in Sfântu Gheorghe, the Thália Theatre in Kassa and the Tamási Áron Theatre are honouring the memory of László Kelemen, the first director of the Hungarian-language theatre, who died 210 years ago. László Kelemen (1762-1814) was the first Hungarian theatre director to establish the institution of the institutionalised Hungarian theatre. This ambitious exhibition, featuring a number of new theatrical discoveries, takes visitors on a tour of the most important theatrical stages of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, presenting the artist’s career.

Iranian Conference

What could be more fitting to close this year’s World Theatre Day than Ivan Vyrypaev’s 2017 play The Iranian Conference, a reflection on the current state of European civilization. It is a beautiful example of the importance of thinking together, of confronting different points of view, of how relative our information is, how complex the truth is, how difficult it is to see the world we live in. The creators are confident that they have created a performance that can enrich and nuance the way we all think about the world, and help us understand the most important social, political and moral issues of our time. The Tamási Áron Theatre’s performance, which starts at 19 pm. is the first Hungarian-language premiere of the play, directed by László Bocsárdi, and will be performed by the company in a double cast.